Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

Understanding the American Education Sistem

 I . Cricle the correct meaning for each of the following words in the passage.
   1. Degree
        C.  A qualification given to a student                   after she/he has completed her/his                 studies in higher education.

    2. Courses
         B.  A series of lectures or lessons in a                   particular subject, typically leading                 to a qualificational.
     3. Switch
          A.  Change

      4. Excel
          A.  To show superiorty

II. Decide whether these statements are true (T)  or false (F). Correct the false one.

     1. In the united states,  children began                their primary school at the age of                    seven.  (F)

      2. nother name for middle school is                     junior high school.  (T)

      3. Students who finish grade 12 will                   receive a diploma. (T)

     4. A community college is four-year.                    college. (T)

     5. A student usually deciden on his/her              major as  soon as he/she graduates                  from high school. (T)

     6. Many students chool to take their                    prerequisite courses at a four-year.               college. (F)

     7. A major is an academic discipline to              which an undegraduate student                      formally commits.  (T)

     8. The american education system is a                 very rigid system.  (F)

III.  provide brief answer to the following            questions.

     1. What is an Associate of Arts (AA)?
          answer : associate of arts.

     2. name five common prerequisite                      courses!
         Answer : literature,  science,  the social                           science, the arts and history.

     3. Provide an example of a major!
          Answer: for example,  if someone's                                 maror is journalism,  they                                 will earn a bachelor of arts in                           journalism.

      4. What is the of the degree awarded to              satudents who pass their four-year                  college education?
           Answer: bachelor

      5. What IS college or university study.                  know as?
          Answer: college or university is as "               higher education".

Iv.  Reading discussion ( group work)

       1. How is the college/ university system in the U.S defferent from the college/ university sistem in Indonesia?

   Answer: the american education system is very flexible.  Keep in mind though that switching majors may result in more courses,  which means more time and money.

       2. Which one do you prefer : to decide on your major early in your college year or later?

       Answer: can understand about social sclonce and can know more about sclence.

       3. Why do you chooose social science education?

         Answer: because i like social program,  and the surroundings,  from junior high school until sunior high school the subject that i like is social subject,  because in the social subject consists of economy,  sociologi,  and geography,  self awareness to found or reach bright future,  will and tallent in the subject,  to the people interaction,  to the surroundings.  Have a basic skill to think critical and logical and logical,  curiosity,  soled problem social skills in social life , aware system to social value.

    4. What do yau think can be improved from the college/ university system in Indonesia?

  Answer: change a study system,  istance domonate to lesson,  such as an american education system is very flexible.

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