Minggu, 22 Oktober 2017

Three levels of governmen

 1. Officials
       C. People appointed or elected to an office, especially as representatives of an organization or government departmen

 2. Mayor
     B. The elected head of a city, town, or ather minicipalities.

 3. Senators
      A. Members of a senate

 4. Entrust
      B. To put ( something ) into someone's care or protection.

 5. Interest
      A. Money paid by a borrower to a lender

1. ( F )
2. ( T)
3. ( T )
4. ( F )
5. ( T )

1. Local, state, and federal

2. The mayor city coucil members pass laws. The affect the city and the people who live there.

3. They protect the health and safety of state citizens

4. The heat of state and the head of fovernment of the united is the president.

5. It can print money. It can negotiate with other countries. It can declare war on another country

1. -Central, presidential, representative, the minister - minister.
     - area, provincialism, governor, the deputy, governor of.
    - district/city, mayor, representative, regent, vice regent, department, the department of, subdistrict head village chief, pillars of citizens, the head of the homlet.

3. We chouse east java namely the islamis university maulana malik ibrahim malang. Because there are tarbiyah facultyand teachers who have ips program. This university is our favorite because in maliki islamic university is a synthesis berween university tradition and pesantren. There is a boarding school where all students must live in ma'had. In uin asked to master arab and english. So in addition to know science, in arabic we can also know and can do a study of islam through its source that is alqur'an and headith, and through english we can master the general and midern svience,. As well as global commucation tools.

4. - U.S is faderal state, while indonesia is a unittary state.
    -U.S the devision of power between the federal and state governments, the highest authonty in indonesia is held by yhe people's  representative council with the 0resident's head of state.
   - U.S the president is separatet from the legislature,  in indonesia the president cooperates with the legislature
   - U.S uses the district system, indonesia hased on the total population of people held in each region
   - U.S 4 years term and indonesia 5 years term.

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